Monday, August 1, 2011

Too late to be Popped up!!

Yes, it's too late for people who knows K-pop since millions years ago that I just knew how cool they are. Well, not as cool as the Hollywood stars but they have their own styles which I can say cool and creative. Many people would love to say that they look like gays, but I guess it's just their style. It's the way they mix and match their fashion sense.

I found the essential of teaching

Ah.. I've been like almost one month being a teacher. Ah.. it was so hard at first because I never have any experience of it. But now, I'm started to enjoy it so much yet I prefer to teach a very little children or old people. Haha... Still this teaching thing makes me learning of how to face people with different characteristics, so that I'm so proud of it. :D

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ayam balado

Hari minggu is such a perfect time to have a self time. Waking up late at noon and cooking meal for my bf. I didn't have any idea at first, but when I looked at the chicken, I knew what I should cook today; ayam balado.
The recipe is easy, but I like to modify it. We only need tomate, chili, red onion and a bit ginger. Don't forget the pepper. The chicken should be fried first, then cook it with the spices. Then, finish. Hmm.. Yum! Go try it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Classy Evening Parteh

Rupert Sanderson narrow heels
$575 -

Alexander McQueen skull handbag
1,455 GBP -

Ludevine butterfly jewelry
11,280 GBP -

TopShop rectangle ring
$20 -

Antique silver ring
$15 -

Mood jewelry
6.40 GBP -

Rockin' Friday

Vila white tank top
20 EUR -

TopShop cropped jacket
$80 -

Hudson jeans
$176 -

Alcali shoes
17,850 JPY -

Old Navy slouchy handbag
$20 -

All Saints cashmere shawl
$115 -

H m sunglass
2.50 GBP -

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Days of work

It's more than a week now I'm working here at ELTI Gramedia. Things are going to be sorted out now. I'm getting settled now and used to everything surrounds here, and finally I can take a pic of mine while working here..

Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh Keys!

Very terrible sorry to everyone at the office!!

Finally, I did something bad on the fifth day of work. As usual, each day at work I need to pee twice, in the morning and at noon. Well, today noon I went to pee and as usual the toilet door is closed after the children go home. Thankfully we got our own keys.

I went to the toilet bringing the key, as I had done my 'thing' I didn't realize that I didn't put the keys on my pocket. As a result, the keys fell down into the closet hole!!!!! So I ran to Elsa, she was at her desk, she thought that I was having kind of mystical experience that maybe I heard something scary. But once I told her that I fell the keys, she laughed and helped me to find a stick to pick it out. EEWW!! It was so yuck! But there is no other way than picking it out. I did it.
We washed it by using hot water and floor cleaner liquid then washed it again under cold water. So yucky but kinda hilarious.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fourth day of working

It's almost 12 o'clock at noon.
It's Saturday and I'm working.

Last night I came to the office party, it was about 700 - 800 people in a building celebrating the day. We just wanna have fun. I and Elsa just sat in the middle of the room, watching the silliness they made. We got foods and there were a fish, rice, two shrimps, tahu, tempe, some vegetables and the sambel. It was miserable that I couldn't eat the fish, the fish was sour and insufficient to be eaten. Yuck! What kind of restaurant it is, giving us the sour one.

And, this very morning on my way to work I stopped by to buy a Hamid porridge at Merdeka st. Bandung. As usual, every time I eat porridge I like the "ati-ampela" one. After I arrived at my office, I directly put the porridge on a bowl and guess what? Another sour meal!! It got me sick of it! And found that it was the "ati-ampela" which was already sour. Finally, I just can eat the "kerupuk" accompanied by a glass of water. I do really want to yell at the seller.

Anyway, the fourth day of working is quite busy because my boss gave me some things to do. Calculating the average score of the students. It's quite fun tho and made me not paying attention to the time. It feels so long being in this office.

Friday, February 18, 2011

3rd day of working

I've decided to write my blog everyday from now on. I want to share the story of my work everyday. If I get a chance to write of course.

This the third day of working and there is a Barongsai outside the office. Barongsai is a Chinese traditional dance wearing this big long dragon costume. There should be minimum two people playing it and when they play, it's a WOW! Because it needs special skill to do that. Jump here, jump there. Jump everywhere on some arranged poles.

My office is located in a school. That's why it's quite hectic outside, the children from kindergarten till senior high school are out of their classes. It's Friday and casual! Anyway, on this third day of working I haven't been able to figure out what I'm supposed to do. I'm just waiting for being asked to do something. I hate this condition actually. I'd like to move and move and making a move. Not sitting here all day long.

Well, okay I gotta go now.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First day of making money

I guess I'm not supposed to say making money, because the term is quite different from the reality. If Americans' say making money, I believe that what they mean is they do want to make money literally. That's why there are many entrepreneurs out there starting their own businesses. Different from us, that we don't make money but look for it by working hard. Maybe this is why not all, even few, the Indonesian youths think of making their own money. Mostly prefer to seek money wherever instead of be the boss.

Well, to make it general in English, I will just use the term making money then.

This is my first day of a real work. I used to work in campus, but now I work in an language institution for real. I am so excited as well as confused about what I am supposed to do right now.

They said that all I have to do now is just relax, waiting for the contract paper to sign. An after that, here comes the work.

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Agenda, New List

Good Morning all!
hwaa hwaa... It has been soooooo long that I haven't bought any Gogirl mag! Now, I got one with an agenda in it. Yippy!! I love Agenda! Yeay yeay!! It's time to make another new to-do list for 2011.
Let's work!

ps: hey, it's raining outside. It's getting colder but fun!


Semiotics. What is it?
As far as I know, semiotics is a sub-field of Linguistics.

Is it important to know it?
As far as I study, yes it is. Why? Because it studies signification system or in simple way, it studies sign.

What can be taken as a sign?
As Umberto Eco says, anything can be taken as a sign as long as it has meaning. Fortunately, mostly, somehow, we can find sign everywhere in our daily life.

What are those?
There are colors, objects, people, gestures, photos, pictures, symbols, words, anything (back to Eco).

Who is the founder(s) of it?
A Swiss Linguist, Ferdinand de Saussure and an American Linguist, Charles Sanders Peirce. They are awesome! and after them, there are many more linguists study and each of them has their own theory about semiotics.

How does semiotics work?
Quite interesting. At first, you may be dazzled and confused of it; but, slowly you will understand and get used to it. For example, now every time I watch an advertisement on TV, my mind will automatically start to analyze it both by its verbal and non-verbal aspects.

The benefit?
You can analyze people by only looking at their gesture, gaze, attitude, words, everything on them. So, you won't be tricked. :) . I've proven it.


Damn! It's 4 o'clock in the morning and suddenly there was a BANG sound. It was like 8 times. I was trying to listen to it carefully, recognizing the sound. It was like a firework but it can be also a gun. I just couldn't help it. It made me scare now. My feet are shivering, not because the cold but because of it. Why on earth would have been people banging like that at 4 am? *curious*

Mengejar Pempek Pak Raden

Dalam kurun waktu dua hari ini, aku akan terbang ke Bali bersama dua sahabatku. Liburan? Bersenang-senang? Belum tentu. Karena tujuanku ke sana hanyalah untuk bertemu keluarga dan mengurus rumah! Ugh.. Nasib sebagai anak memang seperti ini. Apalagi sebagai anak rantau yang lama terpisah dari keluarganya, ketika pulang tentu saja bukan hanya sambutan hangat yang diterima, piring kotor pun siap dicuci. Haha... Yang penting, bertemu keluarga.

Tadinya aku tidak ingin membawa apapun, oleh-oleh apapun dikarenakan aku ingin sesekali bepergian tanpa barang bawaan. Ternyata tidak bisa! Ampuuun... Umi (seharusnya panggilan untuk mama, tapi aku menggunakannya untuk tante), memintaku untuk membawakannya brownies Amanda dan Pempek Pak Raden. Dua-duanya terkenal. Tapi tidak bagiku. Amanda? Yes, I know. Pempek Pak Raden? Tunggu sebentar, di mana tempatnya?

Aku pun bertanya sana-sini kepada teman-temanku yang terkenal suka melakukan jejak petualang makanan a.k.a wisata kuliner. Ada yang ga tau, ada yang mungkin tau. Tapi, terakhir aku bertanya pada Elsa. Ternyata dia sangat tau, karena Pempek Pak Raden berlokalisasi, eh berlokasi di dekat tempat tinggalku sendiri!! OMG!! Why in the world I never know that place?
Spontan saja saya langsung menculik dua temanku; Elsa dan Christine. Kami pun menuju tempat yang dicari-cari itu yang katanya Pempek di tempat itu ENAK!

Ketika sampai di tempat, kami disambut oleh keramahan (yang malah sedikit melampaui kadar) pemilik restonya. Seorang bapak separuh baya dengan mata sedikit sipit tapi belum tentu dia keturunan Tiong Hoa. Ada apa dengan Tiong Hoa? tidak ada apa-apa. Hanya saja, aku percaya dan suka dengan masakan yang dimasak oleh orang-orang Tiong Hoa. Ada menunya, tapi kami lebih memilih untuk membeli satuan (bukan paket seperti yang ada di daftar menu) dan memilihnya sendiri. Pesanan selesai dan kamipun duduk manis.

Tidak lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menikmati pempek tersebut, hanya sekitar 5-7 menit. Hmm... cara menyajikannya biasa saja, tapi setelah aku tuangin kuahnya. WOW! Kuahnya saja sudah beda, kental. Sangat jauh berbeda dengan kuah-kuah pempek lainnya. Good feeling di mana-mana. Suapan pertama, langsung terasa kelembutan pempeknya dan kuatnya rasa kuahnya. Ditambah lagi sambel yang pedas meskipun kuahnya juga agak pedas, padahal sekarang harga cabai sedang meroket hingga Rp. 150.000,- paling mahal (di Tarakan).

Tak terasa pempek kami pun habis seiring dengan waktu. Pada saat awal kami duduk, pemilik resto juga menyajikan sepiring otak-otak, tapi kami tidak menggubrisnya karena tujuan kami ya pempek. Setelah makan, seperti biasa layaknya perempuan pada umumnya, kami mengobrol panjang lebar hingga mata kami tertuju pada sebuah gelas bermulut lebar yang di dalamnya ada seonggok es berwarna merah putih dengan lelehan susu cokelat dan putih di atasnya.

"Apaan itu re?" tanya Elsa.
"Hmm... es kacang merah," ujarku yakin.
"Apa itu? Enak ga?"
"BANGET!! Aku sering bikin di rumah, kalau pulang."
"Dari apa? Kacang merah yang buat sop ya?"
"Enak gitu?"
"Yup. Karena itu kacang biasa ca yang multifungsi; sop dan es."
"Ok. Mas, es kacang merahnya satu," tutupnya.

Es yang dinanti-nanti pun tiba. Satu gelas untuk bertiga. Agak berbeda dengan aslinya. Kalau yang asli memakai sirup gula merah dan kuah rebusan kacang merah itu sendiri. Tapi ini, memakai sirup merah yang kami pun tidak bisa menebak sirup apakah itu. Over all, it tastes good. Sanggup membasahi dahaga dan menghilangkan rasa pedas pempek. Kacangnya juga direbus dengan sempurna, begitu lembut dan manisnya pas, tidak membuat eneg. Harga Rp. 10.000,- per gelas pun terlupakan. Oiya, untuk Pempeknya sendiri, yang berukuran besar seharga Rp. 12.000,-, yang kecil Rp. 3.500,-. Sedangkan untuk paketnya ada beragam, kisaran Rp. 12.000,- an. Tapi semuanya patut dicoba! Ga akan rugi.

Resto Pempek Pak Raden memang patut diacungi jempol dah. Sejauh ini, karena aku hanya tau satu, tempatnya di Jl. Leumbah Neundeut Setrasari depan hotel Permata Bandung. Cobain deh!