Saturday, December 11, 2010

Halusinasi martabak manis

Setiap kali lapar, berbagai macam bentuk makanan muncul di pikiranku. Saking banyaknya aku pun terkadang harus menahan lapar yang menjadi-jadi dan merealisasikan makanan apa yang kuinginkan saat itu juga. Meskipun tidak terealisasikan saat itu juga, aku berusaha merealisasikannya secepat mungkin atau aku yang akan menggila sendiri. Oh Tuhan, hanya karena makanan aku jadi seperti ini.. ampuni aku.

Nah, sekarang yang muncul dalam pikiran dan halusinasiku adalah sepotong martabak manis hangat. Yum! Martabak manis dengan topping cokelat dan susu yang berlimpah ruah, dijamin anda akan eneg. Haha.. Setiap kali aku menginginkan suatu makanan, biasanya aku akan langsung browse resep makanan tersebut, dan inilah hasil pencarian singkatku itu. Terima kasih mister Google.



Cara membuatnya

  1. Semua bahan dicampur dan diaduk.
  2. Siapkan wajan datar/pan (diameter lk. 25cm) dan panaskan mentega hingga cair dan panas.
  3. Kecilkan api. Tuangkan campuran bahan dan tunggu hingga setengah matang (waktunya singkat, tampak uap keluar dari permukaan)
  4. Taburkan isi/atasan sesuai selera.
  5. Setelah matang (lk. setengah menit) angkat dan lepaskan kue dari wajan.
  6. Lipat kue hingga berbentuk setengah lingkaran. Potong-potong. Hidangkan.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Personality

I found this one personality test where we don't need to sign up first. And after do the 4 tests, I am finally described as:

Harmony-seeking Idealists are characterised by a complex personality and an abundance of thoughts and feelings. They are warm-hearted persons by nature. They are sympathetic and understanding. Harmony-seeking Idealists expect a lot of themselves and of others. They have a strong understanding of human nature and are often very good judges of character. But they are mostly reserved and confide their thoughts and feelings to very few people they trust. They are deeply hurt by rejection or criticism. Harmony-seeking Idealists find conflict situations unpleasant and prefer harmonious relationships. However, if reaching a certain target is very important to them they can assert themselves with a doggedness bordering on obstinacy.

Harmony-seeking Idealists have a lively fantasy, often an almost clairvoyant intuition and are often very creative. Once they have tackled a project, they do everything in their power to achieve their goals. In everyday life, they often prove to be excellent problem solvers. They like to get to the root of things and have a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. At the same time, they are practically oriented, well organised and in a position to tackle complex situations in a structured and carefully considered manner. When they concentrate on something, they do so one hundred percent - they often become so immersed in a task that they forget everything else around them. That is the secret of their often very large professional success.

As partners, harmony-seeking idealists are loyal and reliable; a permanent relationship is very important to them. They seldom fall in love head over heels nor do they like quick affairs. They sometimes find it very difficult to clearly show their affection although their feelings are deep and sincere. In as far as their circle of friends is concerned, their motto is: less is more! As far as new contacts are concerned, they are approachable to only a limited extent; they prefer to put their energy into just a few, close friendships. Their demands on friends and partners are very high. As they do not like conflicts, they hesitate for some time before raising unsatisfactory issues and, when they do, they make every effort not to hurt anyone as a result.

Adjectives which describe your type: introverted, theoretical, emotional, planning, idealistic, harmony-seeking, understanding, peace-loving, sensitive, quiet, sympathetic, conscientious, dogged, complicated, inconspicuous, warm-hearted, complex, imaginative, inspiring, helpful, demanding, communicative, reserved, vulnerable

Tragic Mourning Morning

I don't understand whether there has been a plan for each human or not every time they wake up in the morning. I woke up so fresh this morning planning to have some work to do, I thought it was gonna be a busy day today. The fact, it became the busiest day for my heart. My closed friend, Mega, she fell down on the street because there was a car driven so fast that I even almost got a heart attack. After all, Mega was about to be massaged by a man who works in my campus, I think he was being polite and as an old man he was probably shocked by Mega's falling down; moreover, he was worried if only there could be something worse happen to the foot. Then when he started to massage her foot, Mega suddenly collapsed and hit the edge of the place where she sat. There was blood everywhere. I got scared. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. It is the second time I saw her got bleeding because of accident. Thank God, she is okay now after the doc stitched her bleeding wound on her head. It's just hard to see someone you care gets an accident like that. Dreading dreading.. soo dreading!

Is it some kind of God's plan for her? What's behind it?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bali, the second home

I'm starting to think that Bali is my second home. First, my grandmother lives there and I always come to her whenever I got holidays and money (considering the fact that I'm still a student). Second, I feel peaceful and free being there for there are no such regulations and worries about how to wear proper clothes etc. despite all its traditional rules. Third, beach. 

Last September, Alwan and I went there again to visit my grandma. Well, it's been quite a long time not seeing her; moreover, she kept asking me to go there. She always says this thing bothering me "Come to Bali before I'm gone.." I mean, what on earth someone sounds so predictable like that. It's just I hate talking about death. It's not that I don't care, but just avoid such words.

Alwan and I didn't stay at home all day long. We went to go around the province just to get a new place that we've never been there. We got some no beaches on the way to Padang Bai, oh it's such a very very very looooooooooong way. If you want to go there, just don't use the motor bike. Unless you want to tan your skin. Finally, we couldn't make it to Padang Bai for me being so fussy about the weather, dehydration, dust, everything. I just want to go shopping because that was my schedule for that day before I spend all the money to some kind of no-need stuffs. Then we turned around and we decided to go to Sanur. I bet you know Sanur.

There are so many things have changed in Sanur. 

Alwan went crazy at that time, he is always happy going to beach. So, I let him be while I prefer walking around it and taking picture of him.

(I got trouble to upload the pictures, I am in my office with certain capacity of bandwidth while someone here downloading a big amount size of whatever. Poor Indonesia, when can the citizens get such big bandwidth for each house?)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Me and Ice cream

Late at night.. I always have this appetite of having an ice cream.
A sweet vanilla ice cream with brownies topping and melted chocolate.
Yum. I can even taste it in my mouth right away even though I'm not eating it.
Do I sound like a psycho? Am I?
Well, I don't know. It's just the appetite. Nothing's wrong with it.
I'm trying to enjoy my life with the sweets.

I remember these days when I couldn't even eat much anything but fruits.
Back in high school, I was forced into a strict diet. I couldn't take a nap for more than 10 minutes or 5 hours at night. I could only eat half rice spoon of rice. I have to eat many fruits. I couldn't sleep earlier or wake up late. I have to work hard: washing the dishes, clothes. Pathetic? If you think so, it can be yes. But if you think it's not, it's not. It can be both. Because despite all the cannot-do things, now I can take care of my self better than my little sister or my friends.

I'm telling this story because I couldn't eat anything I want at that time but NOW, I can.
It's all up to me now. That's what I like of living alone. No hard feeling about it.
It's even possible will be just me and ice cream. God, I love ice cream.
Now Jenny Weisgerber is singing on my DVD player. Such perfect songs for this cold night and, I don't want to choose hot chocolate, Ice cream.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sapi kecap made by Alwan

Today, the day of Idul Adha. It's moslem's second big day where there will be a lot of beefs and goat meats. The meats are always given to the people in a neighborhood and the cows and goats are given by moslem people who have enough money to buy them. After that, the animals will be (sembelih) killed and divided into a number of family live in the neighborhood. Finally, all the people will get one bag of meat each family, no matter if they're moslems or not.
Today, i got a coupon and since i live in a dormitory then i'll have to cook for the rest dormers. Thank God, Alwan is here so he and another friend help me cooking the beef.
We cooked a kind of Sundanese food, Sapi Kecap. Yum! Bon appetite..

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Big brother's graduation day

After very long years, he finally made it. It was a hard journey for him, I guess. It's supposed to be my turn as well, still on account of my 2 semesters off, I have to deal with the fact that I'm running for a bus of graduates'.
I'm hoping that day soon will be mine. Well, as for the dinner I got two bars of candies and an ice cream. No sweets, no happiness.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Di kala aku lapar

Di kala aku lapar, semua makanan bermunculan di otakku. Tak peduli apa jenisnya atau dari mana asalnya. Tapi biasanya yang paling sering muncul dalam otakku adalah Pizza Keju asli Italia. Dalam benakku, bisa terbayang kelembutan roti dan kejunya, betapa perpaduan rasa antara mereka begitu nikmatnya hingga bisa membuat kepala saya lepas. apalagi pada saat sepotong pizza diambil dan mengakibatkan kita harus tarik-menarik dengan rotinya karena kejunya yang begitu pekat, tebal, dan pastinya yum!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

and now I'm asking my self, is there anyone reading my blog?

Punclut, Bandung

I always have this temptation to do a culinary tour in the city I'm living in now. Well, at least whenever people ask me about the culinary things, I can answer them clearly and proudly. Anyway, I went to this place called Punclut. It is at a higher area in Bandung. The best time to get there is at night, because from there we can see the city lights of Bandung. So amazing!! The cold air also fills the body that makes you want to eat a lot. As for the meals there are many Sundanese foods there, like:
  • Fried/grilled Chicken
  • Fried/grilled fishes
  • fried/grilled Pete (a kind of vegetables)
  • boiled vegetables
  • fresh vegetables
  • Hot spicy Sambel
  • and many more
Well, you better be careful with the sauce or sambel/sambal in Indonesian language. It is so freaking HOT that you will be like loosing your tongue, but it is the main reason you want to eat more and more and more till your stomach can't stand it anymore. I should have upload the picture here, but I haven't copy it from the camera. I'll be back with the picture next time. So, whenever you feel like wanting to come to Bandung, Indonesia, don't forget to get to Punclut. I guarantee you'll get the best culinary experience.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blueberry Cheese cake

Blueberry Cheese cake. Apa sih enaknya? Ada orang yang berspekulasi bahwa makan cheese cake seringkali membuat mereka eneg, tapi apa semua orang setuju? Hmm...

Jujur, saya bukanlah pecinta keju, tapi ketika saya mencicipi blueberry cheese cake buatan Breadtalk, saya serasa tidak ingin berhenti untuk memakannya.

Teksturnya lembut dan agak crunchy di lapis terbawahnya. Saya rasa, itu adalah efek dari panggangan kue. Apalagi jika disajikan agak hangus sedikit, hmm... pasti mantap!! Belum lagi dengan selai blueberrynya yang membuat kita tidak eneg dengannya. Perpaduan yang tepat menurutku. Saya penasaran dengan cara pembuatannya, saya pun langsung browsing dan menemukan sebuah resep yang mudah untuk diikuti.

250 gr biskuit oreo
100 gr margarine lelehkan
1/2 sdt vanili bubuk
kopi instant
200 gr gula pasir
4 butir telur
1 kg cheese cream
250 gr sour cream
250 ml whipped cream
1 sdm gula pasir
250 gr selai blueberry

Cara membuat:
1. Siapkan loyang bongkar pasang 22 cm olesi mentega, sisihkan.
2. Hancurkan oreo hingga halus, lalu tuang margarine leleh, kopi instant dan vanili bubuk, aduk rata.
3. Masukkan adonan biskuit pada loyang, ratakan dan tekan-tekan sampai padat, masukkan ke dalam oven sebentar [5-10 menit] angkat, sisihkan.
4. Kocok gula dan telur hingga kental, masukkan cheese cream dan sour cream bergantian sambil dikocok terus.
5. Tuangkan adonan ini ke dalam loyang tadi, di atas adonan biskuit, lalu oven dengan cara au bain marie [diletakkan di atas loyang yang sudah diisi air] selama 90 menit.
6. Angkat, dinginkan di suhu kamar, hingga benar-benar dingin.
7. Kocok whipped cream dan gula pasir hingga kental, oleskan di atas cheese cake, lalu bekukan dalam kulkas selama 4 jam.
8. Keluarkan, ratakan selai blueberry di atasnya, hias sesuai selera.
9. Potong-potong, sajikan.

Saya berharap mudah-mudahan resep di atas mempermudah anda sekalian untuk membuat kue ini di rumah. Lumayan kan menghemat cemilan di sore hari, karena memang paling pas untuk disajikan di sore hari di saat semua keluarga berkumpul.

Tim Tam Crush

Wafer cokelat yang satu ini benar-benar sanggup membuat lidah bergoyang. serasa dibuai oleh balutan lembut cokelatnya dan ditampar oleh rasanya yang menggigit. Hmm....

Jujur, saya ingin tetap mempertahankan berat badan saya sekarang yang telah dengan susah payah dicapai. Tapi, padatnya cokelat berpadu dengan crunchy wafernya membuat saya selalu ingin membelinya. Wah! Bisa berabe nih.

Harganya cuman Rp.1000,-, bentuknya kecil mirip Beng Beng tapi sanggup membuat anda melambung tinggi di angkasa dan jatuh dalam sungai cokelat, layaknya setting di film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yang sering mengunjungi atau bertempat tinggal di Bandung, pasti tau makanan jenis apa cimol ini.

Yup, terbuat dari aci dicampur ikan tenggiri atau malah ada yang hanya menggunakan aci saja. Kemudian dibentuk bulat-bulat kecil dan digoreng. Dan disantap menggunakan cabe bubuk dan garam bubuk.Dengan harga Rp.1000 - Rp.2500, tergantung lokasi jualan, kita bisa menikmati sebungkus cimol. Tapi ya, jika suatu waktu anda semua ingin menikmati cimol, ada satu yang terkenal enak dan pedas mantap! Cimol BCA surya sumaantri. Kalo ke arah Maranatha, pasti lewatin dah tempatnya, asal agak teliti ngeliatnya. Harganya murah, cuman Rp.1500. Tapi, dijamin pasti puas!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bebek Original vs. Bebek Van Java

Ok, ini blog kuliner pertamaku. Aku punya blog sebelumnya dari situs yang sama, tetapi lebih mengenai kehidupan jiwaku. Halah!

Hari ini, aku mencoba sesuatu yang baru, sesuatu yang tak pernah ingin kusentuh tetapi seharian ini selalu ada dalam otakku dan bahkan terbayangkan kelezatannya. Bebek! Yup, bebek. Satu-satunya daging unggas yang tak pernah ingin kusentuh, tapi malam ini aku sangat ingin memakannya. Maka, pergilah aku ke Bebek Van Java yang lokasinya ada di Simpang Lima Dago. Cukup mudah untuk mencarinya.

Tiba di sana, kami langsung diberi pilihan apa kami ingin makan di lantai pertama atau kedua. Kami pun tanpa basa basi lebih memilih untuk menyantap masakan mereka di lantai kedua tempat yang terbilang cukup kecil ini. Menu yang disodori juga beragam, meskipun intinya adalah bebek goreng, bebek bakar ataupun ayam goreng. Satu opsi yang membuatku tertarik, yaitu paket berdua yang berisikan bebek original/bebek van java. Aku bertanya apa beda kedua menu ini? Ternyata bedanya terletak pada keremes. Bebek original, tentu saja, memakai kunyit dan digoreng beitu saja serta tidak memakai keremes sedangkan Bebek van java memakai kunyit, kemiri dan sebagainya serta keremes. Hmm... sebuah perbedaan yang cukup mencolok dan mudah ditebak menurutku. Ya sudahlah, kami lebih tertarik untuk memesan beberk original.

Sambalnya yang sudah disediakan di setiap meja pun ada dua jenis, sepertinya yang satu memakai gula merah dan yang satu lagi sambal biasa yang pedasnya WOW! (kata pacarku), yah setidaknya itu menurut observasiku.

Pelayanannya yg tak begitu lama cukup membuatku puas sehingga aku bisa dengan segera mencicipi daging bebek pertamaku. "Empuk," ujar pacarku. Ya, memang dagingnya empuk tapi karena aku memesan bagian paha jadi aku sedikit tidak setuju dengan opininya. Sedangkan dia yang memesan dada, dengan gampang mengoyak setiap inci daging bebek itu. Yum! Enak. Ternyata seperti ini rasa bebek, pikirku. Tapi sayangnya, gambaran otakku tentang bebek yg hidup di sawah tak bisa lepas, alhasil aku memakannya dengan setengah hati. Aaah! Padahal makanannya enak, bisa membuat tempat ini menjadi salah satu tempat yang pantas untuk direkomendasikan.

Mungkin setelah ini, aku akan mencoba untuk mencicipi daging bebek keduaku, Bebek Darmo. Wuuiih, kata orang-orang, sangat enak. Tapi, we'll see.